This discussion follows up on my last post. Did you discover how many choices you make everyday? Did you choose to do something different than usual? Did you take time to consider if the choices you are making today will lead to the future of your dreams? If not, it is time to make some important changes. 

Think about where you are now and the future of your dreams. If you are not happy with how things are going for you, it is time to take a look at how you perceive your options. The following is an excerpt from my book, Stop the Stress Habit

According to Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, if you are not happy with your situation or life right now, these are your options:

  1. Get out of the situation and accept the circumstances that arise from that change.
  2. Implement changes to create the situation you would like.
  3. Surrender to total acceptance of the way things are without judgment and without complaining.

In every situation, and for every response, you always have a choice. Sometimes you don’t like the consequences of some of those choices, so it appears as if you do not have a choice. However, you must learn to recognize that you always have choices in everything you do and for every decision you make. One given choice may result in consequences you are not willing to accept, so you do not select this choice, but you always have choices. Always remember that in some instances making one decision now does not prevent you from making a different choice later.

Think about your current life situation. Is it how you would like it to be right now? If not, what are you not satisfied with? Select one specific situation and answer each of the following questions:

  1. If you change the situation, what are the circumstances that will arise from that change? Are you willing to accept those circumstances? Who can help you with the consequences that arise when you make this change?
  2. What changes can you implement right now to begin to create the situation you would like?
  3. If you are not willing to make any changes now, then can you surrender to total acceptance of the way things are without judgment and without complaining? Change your thoughts to focus only on the good aspects of this situation. Remember, making one choice now does not prevent making changes later. Consider: Is it safe or healthy for you to choose not to make a change now?

 I hope this helps you find the freedom to choose the path to your dreams.
