Do you ever feel like things are just not going the way you would like? If you find yourself feeling blue, then it is time to take a step back and look at the big picture. I find it much easier to look at events in life as some sort of stepping stones to bigger & better things than focusing and worrying about problems. When things just seem so bad, pause and think about what lessons you are learning. Maybe you will not figure it out right now. Most likely, time will need to pass before you see the benefits that came from your current struggle. But, be at peace and know that this struggle shall pass. Ask the question: “How does life get any better than this?” Go with the flow and see where life takes you. No use in resisting what is happening or wishing things were different; it just makes things more difficult. Be at peace with it as it all is right now.

We all have to face challenges to grow; we need to be a bit vulnerable to expand. As Mary Reynolds Thompson writes (July 2009 newsletter), “In order to grow, snakes have to shed their old skins, exposing the new and vulnerable skin beneath. In order to grow spiritually, we will need to do the same. … a snake, its eyes covered with bluish white scales, enters its moment of transformation blind. What if we were willing to face our own future this vulnerable and unseeing? What if this was the real test of faith?”

I think The Rolling Stones were right when they wrote: “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find you’ll get what you need.”  Life often throws us curve balls. We usually get exactly what we need to grow and live life more fully.

On Memorial Day, I wrote about having an attitude of gratitude. I’ll repeat that here today: Create a new habit of focusing on your blessings and shifting to a constant perspective of gratitude. By focusing on gratitude, the worries and stressors in your life begin to look less overwhelming. With a shift in perspective, you will begin to feel better physically. By changing your focus to the positive things in your life, you will then be open to seeing new opportunities and solutions to your problems.

If the 24/7 bad news is getting to you. Turn it off. Try going cold turkey without listening to, or reading, any media about bad news for 3 days. After all, it’s summertime. Life is good. If anything of real significance happens, I’m sure your friends will fill you in. The world will continue to turn, the sun will rise, and battles will continue to be fought whether you tune in to the news or not. So, take a break. Breathe. Enjoy the day. Take a “good news only” vacation! You deserve it.
